
Helping Nonprofits and their Donors Unlock More Generosity

March 22, 2024

The Signatry partners with and helps nonprofits unlock more generosity by strengthening donor development plans, mastering major donor conversations, and engagingwith donor advised funds.

Say Yes to Gifts of Stock

March 1, 2024

Position your nonprofit or ministry to say yes to gifts outside of cash. There is an easy way to say yes to stock gifts and let The Signatry work for you in this opportunity to grow your development.

Friendship and Other Fundraising Goals

January 5, 2024

Four steps to set the right fundraising goals for your nonprofit in 2024. What do you want your organization to be known for?

The Signatry with quill

Nonprofits: Keeping a Scorecard

January 4, 2024

Kristin Hammett shares ideas and inspiration for nonprofit development personal scorecards in 2024 in this video newsletter.

Finding an Attitude of Gratitude

December 8, 2023

Thanking donors starts with cultivating gratitude. In development work, focus on the provider rather than the provision and let gratitude flow.