Five Questions to Decide if Philanthropic Advising is For You
February 11, 2025
Philanthropic advising can benefit any giver, not just the wealthy. Here are five questions to ask to see if philanthropic advising is the right strategy for you.
Foster Care, Poverty, and an Unexpected Role for The Church
February 22, 2024
Safely keeping kids from entering foster care is the most effective way to pursue systemic change in our country. Everyone has a role to play.
What Prevents Clean Water Access? It’s Complicated.
September 12, 2023
Vapor Ministries shares the unique obstacles standing in the way of clean water access in the impoverished communities where they work.
The Water Crisis Needs the Church. Here’s Why.
September 5, 2023
Jesus cared for the poor by meeting their physical and spiritual needs. The church can follow His lead to reach communities across the world.
The Power of Community: The Church’s Role in Global Orphan Care
September 16, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic reversed decades of global anti-poverty efforts. Christians can use local, community care models to support orphans.
Ministry and The Marketplace
September 8, 2022
Acts 19 shows us the effectiveness of ministry in the marketplace. Paul maintained roles in both ministry and the marketplace so he could serve as an example.
Renewing the Christian Legacy of Care for Orphans
As laws change around the country, how can the Church carry out our ancient reputation for Christian orphan care? It starts with community.
Providing All People Access to God’s Word by 2033
July 22, 2022
Guest author illumiNations shares an update to Bible translation work and how Scripture could be read in every native tongue by 2033.
Thanksgiving From The Front Lines
November 19, 2021
Donors continue to support ministries they love, fueling thanksgiving from the front lines and gratitude from people served.
Investing as a Powerful Force
September 10, 2021
Values-based investing is investing as a powerful force for good. Learn why The Signatry uses investing based on values through Eventide.