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7 Simple, Free Acts of Generosity

A quill, representing The Signatry

The Signatry

February 17, 2023

The Bible is clear that as followers of Christ, we are called to acts of generosity. God displayed the supreme sacrificial act of generosity by giving us His only Son because of His love for us. We are called to emulate that love. In the Bible, we read about believers who gave up time and resources for family and community, and about the disciples who gave up their livelihoods to follow Jesus.

Today, we similarly give financially to serve others. How might we intentionally live generously in other ways? If you want to expand your lifestyle of generosity beyond your wallet, this resource of seven simple, free ways to be generous is for you.

1. Share and endorse a friend’s page on social media.

Just one click or one-sentence review can give an enormous boost to a friend’s small business, artwork, or project online. This simple generous act can generate interest and help more customers find your friend’s product or service. Ask your friend what step will be most helpful at this time. You can also use LinkedIn to endorse someone’s work or skills.

2. Make an introduction for someone.

You could change the course of someone’s life just by taking a few minutes to connect them with the right person. A simple email or exchange of phone numbers can be the act of generosity that leads to new careers, partnerships, and lifelong friendships.

3. Ask how you can support one another.

Sometimes asking a question is the most generous act you can provide. Check in on a loved one, or even an acquaintance, to see how they are doing. Maybe you can follow up on what they need, or maybe they will feel encouraged simply by your attentiveness. You can strengthen the body of Christ by supporting another’s needs—but the first step is to ask what those needs are.

4. Think about how and where you shop and the impact it can have.

Already planning on spending money somewhere? Look for businesses that serve others with their practices and proceeds. Check that where you shop does not support slavery, child labor, or abuse in its production. Seek out businesses that include generosity in their business model, whether that’s donating some of their profits or hiring employees facing difficult situations.

5. Share your support of a ministry on social media.

Do you consider yourself an avid supporter or close follower of some of your favorite organizations? One free act of generosity that supports their work is to tell people about what the charity is doing. Shine a light on the good in the world and boost the work of God’s hands and feet.

6. Give appreciation and kind words.

Make it a daily generosity goal to tell at least one person what you like about them, why you look up to them, or how they make your day better. This is a simple act of generosity that will put a smile on someone’s face.

7. Create intentional, planned fun together.

Treat someone you love to a full, planned afternoon of fun. Whether you prepare a hike, visit a new museum, or take a nephew to a local playground, acting generously with your time builds connection and sweet memories with family and friends.

This is not an exhaustive list of free acts of generosity you can do for others, but we hope you feel inspired to transform the way you live generously and will challenge yourself to make intentional generosity contagious.


“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.”

PSALM 112:5


Originally published on September 3, 2021.

Revised on February 17, 2023.

Build your Generosity Plan Today

Most of us have a plan for everything else in life, so why not generosity? This guide will prompt you to focus on and clarify your generosity vision. Move beyond the default actions of generosity and connect your values to the issues closest to your heart.

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About The Signatry

A quill, representing The Signatry

The Signatry seeks to inspire and facilitate revolutionary biblical generosity across generations. Through donor advised funds and other innovative tools and resources, families are empowered to live generously, modeling biblical values for future generations and making a greater impact for causes that align with their passions. Since 2018, The Signatry has facilitated sending over $2.8 billion to organizations around the world that are dedicated to solving the world’s greatest problems.

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