Why Set Up a Donor Advised Fund with The Signatry?

family of four walking through the forest together

Faithful stewardship is a calling on every Christian’s life. Practicing radical generosity is a key part of this calling, and we believe strategic planning is just as important in your generosity journey as in any other area of your finances. We are here to help you plan and maximize your generosity.

At The Signatry, our mission is to maximize the dollars sent out to God’s kingdom. When someone sets up a donor advised fund with The Signatry, they are partnering with us in a commitment to revolutionary, biblical generosity.

Choose a partner that shares your faith, understands your vision for the future, and encourages you to think bigger about what is possible in God’s kingdom. A donor advised fund with The Signatry positions you to focus on what matters as you give: faith, family, and abundance.

Abundant Generosity

Full fee transparency.

Unlike most fund sponsors, The Signatry does not charge an administrative fee on the balance of a donor advised fund and has full transparency for fees and expenses related to gifts and investments. This means more of your contributions can continue on to the nonprofits doing kingdom work around the world, and you can have full confidence that there will be no surprises with your gifts and investment recommendations.

zero administrative fees on donor advised funds at the signatry

Charitable tax deductions.

In general, contributions to a donor advised fund are tax deductible for the year they are made.

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Greater tax savings with non-cash charitable contributions.

Donate noncash assets to a donor advised fund before you sell them. You may be able to realize additional tax benefits and give more.

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Tax-free growth.

The money in a donor advised fund can be invested, where it can grow—tax-free—into a greater sum for future grant recommendations.

an icon of money growing out of a pot like flowers symbolizing money growing

Faith-based Generosity

praying hands

A staff who shares your Christian faith.

Every member of our team signs on to The Signatry’s statement of faith. Fellow believers in Christ answer the phones, research and process your grant recommendations, and prayerfully make decisions about the future of our organization.

an icon of a hand holding a dollar sign with arrows encircling symbolizing donors

A high payout rate to nonprofits around the world.

How fast do the contributions given to our donor advised funds go back out to God’s workers on the ground? The Signatry has a payout rate more than 2x higher than the industry average. This is a testament to the power of faith-based donor advised funds and our community’s radical generosity and care for the world.

a bible with a cross on top

A faith-based grant policy.

The Signatry reviews every recommended grant recipient to ensure their work aligns with the gospel and the principles of human flourishing we find in the Bible.

a pie chart with different sections symbolizing different investment pools

A biblically responsible investing strategy.

The Signatry offers investment pools for your donor advised fund that have been chosen with a biblically responsible investing philosophy. The fund balance can then support companies that contribute to human flourishing even before it is granted out to nonprofits.

Family Generosity

Include additional family members online.

Families can set up a donor advised fund and give each member age-appropriate access to the fund online. View-only, contributions-only, and full access levels allow parents to engage children at appropriate ages in conversations about family values and generosity goals.

an icon of a family of four

Name your mission.

Create a name for the fund you establish that represents your family’s vision for generosity. You may also write a mission statement that appears in the fund information and describes your goals for kingdom impact.

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Contribute any amount.

The Signatry has no minimum contribution requirement. Younger family members can develop a habit of giving, no matter how small their gift is.

icon of a hand placing a coin into a cup symbolizing charitable contributions through a donor advised fund

Make generosity a conversation.

As you give together, explore our other resources on shared identity, family legacy, strategic giving, and more.

an icon of a heart above/connecting a group of 5 people symbolizing a generosity lifestyle

Flexible Generosity

icon of a computer monitor displaying money being routed to multiple destinations depicting the work of a donor advised fund

Give on your schedule.

Make one big contribution to a donor advised fund or make multiple contributions throughout the year.

a calendar

Recommend grants on your schedule.

Recommend a single grant to a nonprofit or set up recurring grants.

an icon of a business building and a money symbol signifying selling your business

Give more than cash.

Depending on your situation, donating noncash assets (like business or real estate interests) to a donor advised fund can simplify the process and free up more funds for charitable giving.

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Make a donor advised fund part of your legacy plan.

There are a variety of ways to include a donor advised fund in your legacy planning. Learn how to establish a successor, name a DAF as a beneficiary of your estate, and more.

Learn More about How to Set Up a Donor Advised Fund

Donor advised funds at The Signatry are simple to set up. In just 4 easy steps, start coordinating all your giving through one portal.

Find out More
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