Causes to Champion

Identify the causes you may be interested in championing. Below is a list of the cause categories many of our donors support through donor advised funds. This list may help to get thinking about how your faith, values, and experiences connect you to God’s workers solving problems around the world.

While you look over this list, think through the following three questions.

  1. What are ways that you would like to see the world look different?
  2. How does your story and walk with God influence your passions?
  3. Is there a cause from the list below that sticks out to you based on your above answers?



Causes our Donors Support

Humanitarian Aid & Relief

Organizations that provide relief to those suffering from disaster or poverty.

Community Development

Service associations, mentorship programs, and other organizations that invest in building up local communities.

Health & Human Services

Organizations that serve those affected by homelessness, trauma, illness, or addiction.

Justice & Advocacy

Organizations that promote advocacy and awareness on issues of justice and freedom, such as human trafficking.

Outreach (Bringing People to Christ)

Organizations with a primary focus on spreading the gospel, including missions.

Discipleship (Deepening Relationship with Christ)

Organizations that equip pastors and strengthen the body of believers, including churches.

Education & Career Development

Schools, trade associations, and other organizations that provide professional growth and career development opportunities.

Creation Care

Organizations devoted to environmental stewardship and the protection of animals.

Family Services

Organizations committed to the sanctity of life, strengthening families, caring for the elderly, or providing homes to children in need.

Philanthropic & Cultural Institutions

Grantmaking foundations, museums, libraries, and other organizations that shape culture through philanthropy, history, art, and media.

Two employees looking at computer discussing resources for their nonprofit

Find Organizations to Support

Once you have identified the causes you wish to champion, it is time to find organizations working for those causes. You may already know the organizations you want to support. If not, you can use tools like GuideStar and Charity Navigator to research nonprofits and review records. Be sure to evaluate each organization’s mission statement and consider partnering with organizations whose purposes closely align with your guiding values.

Build a Generosity Plan with Your Family Today

Once you have a cause in mind, establish a plan to act on it. This family discussion guide can help you build a plan to offer your time, talent, and treasures to the work God has placed on your heart.

Download the Generosity Plan
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