Generational Thinking in Words and Deeds
September 22, 2023
Generational thinking means recognizing how our actions now will shape future generations. It has the power to shape a multi-generational legacy of faith.
Christmas Table Topics: 4 Conversations to Build Lasting Family Values
December 21, 2022
These meaningful Christmas table conversation topics can help your family dig deeper into faith, values, & goals for the future.
The Importance of Genealogies in the Bible
December 6, 2022
Genealogies in the Bible provide important records of historical succession, continuity, & legitimacy, but also provide insights for our families.
Legacy in the Bible: Creating Standing Stones
November 29, 2022
From 3 examples of legacy in the Bible, we learn that legacy is built by the standing stones we place throughout our lives.
Five Principles of Inheritance in the Bible
October 25, 2022
The Bible is clear that a good man leaves an inheritance. Discover five principles of inheritance in the Bible and what they mean for you.