
Family Rhythms for Building Strong Connection

December 31, 2024

Creating routines and rhythms that prioritize family connection can build security, significance, and a sense of purpose.

Illustration of a family gathered around a festive dinner table

5 Family Conversation Starters about Gratitude and Generosity

November 20, 2024

Family discussions about generosity don't always happen on their own. Here are five conversation starters for your family this Christmas.

a mom and dad with their two children on their backs walking through a park

Creating a Family Mission Statement

June 18, 2024

Learn why creating a family mission statement can strengthen your family’s relationships, faith, and values.

a multigenerational family sits in their living room talking and reading

A Generous Family is a Successful Family

June 4, 2024

Practicing family generosity can prepare your family to carry on your legacy successfully—not just your finances, but your values, vision, and faith.

Foster Care, Poverty, and an Unexpected Role for The Church

February 22, 2024

Safely keeping kids from entering foster care is the most effective way to pursue systemic change in our country. Everyone has a role to play.

a grandmother and her grandkids out in the garden

Generational Thinking in Words and Deeds

September 22, 2023

Generational thinking means recognizing how our actions now will shape future generations. It has the power to shape a multi-generational legacy of faith.

Genealogy in the Bible

The Importance of Genealogies in the Bible

December 6, 2022

Genealogies in the Bible provide important records of historical succession, continuity, & legitimacy, but also provide insights for our families.

Family walks in the woods on a rainy day

Generosity that Lasts for Generations

November 4, 2022

How can you translate your family values into practical strategies for generosity? How does generosity strengthen a family legacy?

grandkids sitting with their grandparents who are contemplating the legacy they leave behind

What Do You Leave Behind?

July 8, 2022

How can you leave a legacy more valuable than money? When your children reflect on your contribution to their life, what will they remember?

Phillips family displaying four generations of generosity

Phillips Family: Four Generations of Generosity

April 15, 2022

Hear the story of a family in The Signatry community that has established a generational generosity across four generations.