The Family Legacy Workshop

Your Family was Meant to Endure for Generations

grandparents sitting with three grandchildren discussing their family legacy


  • Family conversations marked by honesty, harmony, and affirmation
  • Passing on values and virtues to the next generation
  • Your family serving together— united and on a mission
  • Every member living for a purpose beyond themselves

When you leave this workshop you will have a completed family vision, mission and values statement that you can share with your children and grandchildren. Start building your foundation today.

Join The Signatry workshop experience to begin exploring the purpose for your family and walk away with the practical tools for long-term success.

About the Workshop

Having led hundreds of couples through these workshops, we have created an experience centered on providing insightful teaching and time for you to respond, reflect, and learn.

icon of a person surrounded by circles representing donor advised fund resources

Interactive Sessions

Walk through sessions and curriculum with live teaching and then engage in discussion together. You receive a workbook to keep and continue your journey.

Icon of hands holding a circle with a plant inside representing stewarding your resources

Personalized Guidance

You will receive information on individualized personality profiles to help your family communication grow. Time for feedback and input on your family vision and values drafts will be available.

icon of a larger hand holding a smaller hand representing teaching family values


Intentional time is provided to begin drafting your mission, vision, and values. Resources and new ideas are provided to help you learn how to put these plans into motion.

Session Overview

The workshop is divided into 6 topics

Session 1: Family—The First Institution: Learn about God’s intent for generations

Session 2: Family Communication: Bring a new perspective for understanding

Session 3: Family Values: Take action to shape the anchors for your family

Session 4: Family Vision: Identify the true guiding goal to gather your family around

Session 5: Family Mission: Construct the mission to keep you on the right path

Session 6: Family Generosity: Learn the key training ground for your family legacy

Want More Information?

These workshops are offered on a limited basis throughout the year. Contact the team at The Signatry to learn if there are any offerings near you.

Contact Us
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