Cause Champions: Clark Family Champions Student Ministry
Gayle Clark remembers finding Jesus in college. Her future completely changed. Now, her husband Taylor is on the board of the ministry that changed her life, and her son is encountering Jesus at his own university. The Clarks realize the strategic need for strong discipleship in a student’s life and have seen its power to change the trajectory of a young person’s faith. Learn how the Clarks are diving in to make sure that one of their favorite ministries, StuMo, keeps changing lives on campuses nationwide.

Going Deeper: How a Nonliquid Charitable Gift of Business Aides Student Ministry
Taylor Clark’s business provides a unique opportunity to champion college discipleship programs. He was able to donate a portion of the business interest, reduce the burden of capital gains with the charitable gift, and—most importantly— turn those tax savings into real change on college campuses across the United States. Learn how nonliquid gifts make an impact on nonprofits through Taylor’s story with StuMo.
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Engage and Support Student Ministry at the College Level
Learn More about Student Mobilization and how to get involved, as well as discover several ways to give. Support the discipleship of youth in campuses nationwide by donating through cash, card, or a donor advised fund at The Signatry.
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