Cause Champions: Orphan Prevention — Trailer
The Signatry is featuring a local community who champions orphan prevention through their family, through their church, and through their businesses. Our Cause Champion series with CarePortal unpacks the passion behind these families’ generosity and shares with others what it may take to make an impact on the causes they love. There are several hundred thousand vulnerable children who are in foster care or on the brink of entering the foster system that need our support. CarePortal and their connected partners work to remedy the needs of these kids, reverse their track toward homelessness, trafficking, or incarceration, and serve them with the joy of Christ through the local church. The Mitchell and Murphy families in Cause Champions: Orphan Prevention are a great example of what it looks like to be generous cause champions toward the vulnerable children in the United States.

Episode 1: Supporting Local CarePortal Needs: The Murphy Family
Jeff and Michelle Murphy set out to solve a problem. After learning about the orphan crisis in Haiti, they realized the same problems exist in their own backyard in the U.S. The Murphy’s desire to preserve families led them to CarePortal, an organization that uses technology to connect local churches with immediate, solvable needs in their own neighborhoods. Jeff and Michelle champion CarePortal with their time, talents, and treasure, and their generosity led their daughter to get involved, too.
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Episode 2: Mitchell Family Business Becomes Community Champion
Father and son Mike and Mikey Mitchell discovered how they can use their family business to champion the cause of economically vulnerable families. Their clothing company preserves families by creating safe jobs within the largest exploitative industry in the world: the sewing industry. They also partner with CarePortal to pray for and support the needs of vulnerable children in their own neighborhood.
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Episode 3: Keeping Families Together Through CarePortal
The Murphy family and the Mitchell family share a common cause: to champion the vulnerable children in their community right when critical needs pop up. Both families’ generosity inspired their children to follow in this passion for family preservation. Maddie told us, “Here we are years later, that seed is growing into our own faith, our own calling, our own passion.” Each family’s work with CarePortal has created ripple effects through the families they serve, and it led to one other surprise: a love story.
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Engage and Support Local Children Through CarePortal
Learn More about CarePortal and how to get involved, as well as discover several ways to give. Support vulnerable children who are on the brink of foster care or in our nation’s foster system by donating through cash, card, or a donor advised fund at The Signatry.
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