In October, at our Tennessee Light The Way event we provided $20 bills to event attendees and challenged them to give away the money away and share their stories of generosity. The theme you will quickly see is that the true reward of generosity is the joy experienced by the giver. It’s less about the size of the gift and more of the delight of the Lord.
May these stories inspire your heart to take your next step as you read about the impact felt in the community and beyond.
I attended The Signatry event thinking that it was a charity that was special to one of my clients who invited me to attend. I brought a $100 check that I intended to donate in my client’s honor. To my surprise, the check was not needed, and I even walked away with $20. A few days later, a stranger helped me move a dryer into one of my rental units when it became apparent that I could not do it by myself. The stranger was a student who was working full time for a political campaign, so the stranger’s income was very limited.
The stranger was so pleasant and helpful without asking for anything. I gave the stranger $20 PLUS a $100 bill representing what I intended to donate. The stranger was elated but tried to give all of the money back. I asked that $20 be used to pay it forward to someone else with the $100 being used for whatever the stranger needed. Well done Signatry. I have told several people about your event and money that was given to attendees without any strings other than a request that the attendee pay it forward.
This story is really OUR story of generosity and not my own. The donors who provided the $20 generously gave me the opportunity to be generous with their resources by entrusting me with the $20. While generosity is not something I struggle with (thank you life lessons), this opportunity carried with it a sense of responsibility to the initial giver. The money was not my own. This experience was a very tangible reminder and physical illustration of just what our Father has provided and entrusted us with. HE is the one who first gave generously to us. Whatever it is that we have to give was not our own, to begin with and was not merited. It was entrusted. We have the opportunity; however, to decide whether or not we will follow through. HE gives and lets us & trusts us to participate in HIS generosity.
Though it was just $20, I felt a responsibility to the initial giver. I prayed for the right time, place, person(s). Nothing felt immediately right and then yesterday I saw them. Two teenage girls had set up a bake sale in the mall. They were raising money to fight childhood cancer. They had a variety of fresh baked cookies and bottled water displayed, a poster and a glass jar too collect the $1 per cookie donation. At first, but as I passed by I suddenly knew where the $20 I was given was supposed to go. Without a word, I turned around and placed the money in the jar. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of the girls’ faces, their eyes lit up with simultaneous joy and disbelief. Heartfelt “thank you so much” flowed from their lips. Those girls were giving their time and cookie talents on behalf of others – for children and families who are suffering. This is the heart of Jesus.
Thank you for the opportunity and the reminder!
– Lonnie Cochran
The entire $20.00 that I received from Signatry was converted into $2.00 bills. Usually, but not always, I gave them at restaurants and retail establishments, and always to children who were with parents, and did so for acts of kindness done by the child. Usually for being good to their parents, or opening a door for a customer, or even just for a smile. I was so impressed with the reactions for getting the $2.00 bill, that I ordered 2,000 of them,
and have given out many more than the Signatry ones. What a JOY it is to see the smile, and appreciation from the child, and also the parents, when presented to the child. I never give my name, as it is an act of kindness. A Blessing to all concerned but mostly to my wife and I, for this act of kindness!
– Joseph Swanson
Each day on my commute to and from work I see many individuals on the streets holding signs. Most of them I have seen for months hanging around the same corners. Most days like anyone I am busy on my way, but on occasion I do speak with them, try to help, offer money, or suggest The Nashville Mission where I wish they would go for assistance/help. Most won’t, and I know that.
The week of Thanksgiving my commute was light, traffic was light, and the normal rush and heftiness of the drive seemed less. I pulled up to the corner of Haywood Lane. It was early and cool. I saw a man I have seen before. He’s older with a thick gray beard. This time I pulled my truck to the side and stepped out.
I had the $20 folded in my hand, but not to where he could see it. He walked towards me, and I said kind of loudly, “Good morning sir!” with a smile. He said the same and I asked if I could offer him a hot cup of coffee or some food, as there is a Hardee’s within walking distance. He declined, and said he was alright, and that he had a place not far, but due to whatever reasons he did not want to disclose he was there. I did not want to press. I could tell that he actually looked happy I was chatting with him, rather than just handing $1 out a window passing by.
I gave him the $20 dollars and shook his hand. I said, “God bless you, stay positive man and go get a cup of hot coffee and some food.” He smiled and nodded his head in agreement. I don’t know what he did after, but I hope he took a moment to sit down and enjoy a hot cup of coffee.
If you take away a lesson from my story it would be this: I don’t think he would have cared if I gave him $1 or $20, or $1,000. The shock that I stopped, got out of my truck, and engaged in conversation with him might have made his day or changed it. I know a simple, kind gesture of a smile and a “How are you today?” goes a long way.
– Jonathan Dooley
Thank you for your gift of $20. I shared this gift with an elderly gentleman whose home burned down recently, and he is living on his property in a shed without electricity. I took him food and a few other items that I thought that he could use. I had been looking for an opportunity to reach out to him and to find out what his most urgent needs are, and this was that opportunity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Davi Adams
At the car rental return very early on the day after the Nashville Light the Way event, the person working looked so very tired from working all night. I told him that I wanted to bless him. Sharing that although the amount $20 was not much I hoped that he received more than money in blessing. I also prayed with him and rushed to catch my plane.
Bob Snyder
I added some to the $20 and bought a restaurant gift card for a single dad at our Church who has his children 3 days a week. Thank you for this opportunity to be a blessing to someone.
Debbie French
Dear Steve,
I want to give it to Zambia, to help build a church, or sponsor a kid for a month. Thank You!
Love, Haynes
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