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Connecting the Dots Between Givers and Problem-Solvers

Kristin Hammett

May 27, 2022

If you really knew me, you would know that I … (finish the sentence). This is an icebreaker I saw utilized at a conference recently. Wow. What a way to cut through the small talk, right?

Let’s try using the same exercise, this time corporately. If you really knew The Signatry, you would know that we … are passionate about generosity and solving the world’s greatest problems. We share what we know with families, advisors, and nonprofit leaders to inspire revolutionary generosity. It is a privilege to help families give more to the causes they care most about.

That’s where you come in. Your organization is working to solve problems. You, as a nonprofit leader and fundraiser, are the connection point between donors’ resources and the work.

We can help connect the dots.

Generosity – Organizations – Problems

The greatest opportunity for generosity is to begin to ask for gifts from your donor’s wealth, not just their checkbook. These gifts include stock, cryptocurrency, real estate, and business interest. According to research by Dr. Russell James J.D., Ph.D., CFP®, nonprofit organizations consistently receiving gifts of stocks or bonds grew their contributions six times faster than did those receiving only cash.

The Signatry can help you connect the dots with your donors and start talking about how to get creative with generosity. Here are three steps to get started.

1. Identify qualified donors

Who is qualified to start thinking about asset gifts? Look for donors who meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • give through a donor advised fund or a private foundation
  • own a business or give through a business
  • own real estate
  • have given consistently for several years at an increasing level

2. Share the opportunity

Faithful giving partners care about the work you are doing and the impact your nonprofit is having, but they don’t know what they don’t know. That gives you an opportunity to share more. Begin sharing about non-cash giving on your donate page and your email signature. This plants the seed. Then, in your donor meetings, ask if they know they can give assets and potentially mitigate tax to give more generously. We have some conversation tips to help you get started.

3. Position yourself properly

When you share the tools for expanded generosity, it is important to be sure you are positioned to say “yes” when the donor is ready to make an asset gift. A Charity Fund at The Signatry positions you to say “yes” to gifts of stock, crypto, business, and real estate. Don’t worry, The Signatry will help facilitate all the work behind the “yes.”

The world’s greatest problems require outside the box (and outside the checkbook) generosity strategies.

Back to the icebreaker: I bet if you really knew your donors, you would know they want to learn more about all the tools for generosity. They want to be generous, they want to partner with you, and they want to make an impact.

You can partner with The Signatry to help connect those dots.

About Kristin Hammett

As the Vice President of Family Generosity Services at The Signatry, Kristin Hammett focuses on equipping and encouraging families to purposefully consider what questions God has given them the resources and heart to answer, modeling obedience to his will to current and future generations while actively participating in advancing the kingdom of God.

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