Lay the Foundation for Generosity: Real Estate Donations
From land to commercial property, donating real estate can provide tax savings that allow you to give more to charity. Whether you give all or a partial interest, we are here to help you think creatively about the resources you have so you can make the most of them through charitable giving strategies.

How It Works
With The Signatry, you can give interest in appreciated real estate before it is sold, then use the proceeds from the donated asset to grant more from your donor advised fund.

1. Start early!
- If you are considering selling a real estate interest sometime in the future, now is the time to start planning charitable contributions.

2. Donate part or all of your real estate interest to a donor advised fund with The Signatry, before the asset is sold.
- The Signatry takes ownership of the donated land.
- When you donate your appreciated real estate interest, you may receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the donated portion.

3. When the land or building sells, the cash from the sale proceeds will go into the donor advised fund at The Signatry, and the resulting fund balance may be granted to charities.
- Your capital gains taxes from the sale may be lower because you have already donated part of the real estate asset to The Signatry.
- The Signatry is a 501(c)(3) public charity and can often avoid paying tax on the sale of the donated asset. This can leave more of the proceeds available for granting in the donor advised fund.
Further Your Kingdom Impact
Rather than paying taxes on the sale proceeds and donating to charity from what is left, you have the opportunity to give more straight to the kingdom. More of the dollars from your real estate sale can go through your donor advised fund and to the nonprofits doing God’s work in the world.
Thinking of selling a real estate interest? Explore our Generosity Calculator to see how much more you might be able to give through a donor advised fund. Generosity Calculator
To talk through the specifics of your situation and discuss the best giving strategies for your goals, contact our team.
Download Real Estate Donation Fact Sheet
Get more details on how giving real estate works, the benefits, and financial examples.