Bring Greater Generosity to the Kingdom

The Inkwell

The Signatry’s Operations Fund

Our goal has always been to see maximum dollars going out into God’s kingdom—not idly resting in accounts, but actively transforming lives and communities.

In 2022, we removed the administrative fee for donor advised funds, trusting God to provide through hearts attuned to our mission. In response, the Inkwell, a community of donors who give directly to the operational costs of The Signatry, has empowered our mission to continue to move forward effectively.

I want to introduce you to someone who embodies the heart and soul of this mission. Lauren Shoener, a Senior Donor Care Specialist at The Signatry, beautifully encapsulates the essence of our ministry:

“I am so incredibly blessed to serve families at The Signatry, where our team can walk alongside them throughout this journey of generosity! The passion that our team has to provide care, prayer, and excellent service is inspiring. I love working with a team every day that shares in the joy of sending the last dollar to the last missionary who will share the gospel in the most remote part of the world!”

Lauren is more than just a member of The Signatry team; her commitment to our shared mission is a testament to the power of our collective efforts.

Lauren at The Signatry

Your generosity not only funds charitable grants but, through the Inkwell, also provides for Lauren and many like her who work diligently behind the scenes to make it all possible.

As we reach the end of this year, we approach you with a specific request. Would you consider making a grant from your donor advised fund to the Inkwell.

It’s important for you to know:

  • We’re not asking for additional giving; rather, this is an allocation of the balance of your existing donor advised fund.
  • This allocation will help to cover the administrative costs of running The Signatry and allow us to generously care for our team as they facilitate our greater mission.
  • Your decision to grant a portion of your donor advised fund to the Inkwell ensures the sustainability of our ministry and ultimately amplifies the impact of your own charitable giving.

Please pray about this decision and make your best gift.

Thank you for your partnership in this journey of generosity. Together, we can write the last checks needed to solve the world’s greatest problems and spread the hope of the gospel to all.

There are three ways to give!

Choose the gift method that is best for you.

an icon of a dollar with a bow on it symbolizing a grant to a charity

Donor Advised Fund

Make a grant recommendation from your donor advised fund! Login and select “The Signatry” as the grant recipient.

Donor Login
icon of a small shop or store, representing a business

Non-Cash Gift

To make a gift of stock, real estate, or other non-cash assets, contact our Donor Care team at (913) 310-0279 or

an icon of dollars and coins symbolizing charitable tax deductions

Cash Gift

Make gift via electronic check, credit card, or debit card via our Donate form.

Need assistance? Contact our Donor Care team at (913) 310-0279 or

Secure Form

Looking to make a gift from your donor advised fund? Click here to login to our online portal.

How would you like to contribute?

ECHECK or CREDIT CARD – utilize the donate form provided on this page.

CHECK –  write Inkwell in the memo line on the check and make it payable to “The Signatry”.


The Signatry
7171 W 95th Street, Suite 501
Overland Park, KS 66212

______By clicking “Give Now” you are acknowledging:

  • Your donation to the Fund is an irrevocable and nonrefundable donation to Servant Foundation d/b/a The Signatry (EIN: 43-1890105);
  • The assets held in the Fund are The Signatry’s property, and The Signatry has exclusive legal control over the assets; and
  • The Signatry has not provided any goods or services in consideration, in whole or in part, for your donation.